Next Equal Pay

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Next Stores Equal Pay Claim


Thousands of Next shop workers have joined Equal Pay Now to bring a legal claim against the company. Their demand is clear. They want to be treated fairly. This means being paid the same as Next staff doing jobs of equal value in Next’s warehouses. 

Women and men in Next stores across Britain do a challenging job involving multiple skills, demands and responsibilities. The Employment Tribunal has now ruled that their jobs are of equal value to warehouse operative jobs in a landmark judgment in 2023. 

Despite this, they are paid less than their co-workers in warehouse and distribution centres, whose roles are wrongly said to be more demanding. Their average salary loss is more than £6,000. 

Later this year the Next staff will find out if they have won the final legal stage of their case. 

If they win their case Next store employees who join the claim will be entitled to claim compensation, which could amount to up to six years of back pay. 

The equal pay claim against retailer next is being led by leading employment and discrimination barrister, Elizabeth George:

Elizabeth was a solicitor before transferring to the bar in 2005, qualifying as a barrister at Cloisters Chambers. She is currently working as employed counsel for Leigh Day on a national equal pay group claim against next stores.


There is still time to join the claimIf you join before the final judgment later this year you will be part of the group that will automatically benefit from that judgment. This means that you will be entitled to claim compensation and that your contract terms will automatically be equalized. 

Anyone who:

  • Is working or has worked as a Sales Consultant, Stockroom Assistant or Team Coach in a next store in England, Scotland or Wales in the last six months.


  • Leigh Day is running this claim on a ‘no win-no fee’ basis (called a ‘DBA’). Under the DBA, you will only have to pay legal fees if the claim wins.
  • Find out more about fees and costs via our FAQs page.


We can end the DBA at any time at no cost to you. If you end the DBA before the end of the claim or act unreasonably (please see sections 7 and 10 of the DBA), you may be required to pay Leigh Day your share of costs as they are at that time.

Next plc store front


We are Leigh Day, a law firm challenging this unequal situation with the Equal Pay Now campaign. We are bringing equal pay claims to an employment tribunal on a ‘no win-no fee’ basis. We believe the claim that store and warehouse workers do jobs of equal value is a strong and winnable one.

If we succeed, shop workers at next stores will get a well-deserved and long overdue pay rise. They will also likely receive compensation, which could amount to up to six years of back pay. Find out more below about how to join our rapidly growing movement for fair treatment.




‘Next could owe us £100m – our shop jobs ARE equal to men’s in warehouses’ – Mirror Online More than 2,000 Next store staff who are taking legal action against the national retailer for equal pay have won the second and crucial stage in their legal battle, which has ruled that their jobs are equal to the warehouse jobs they are comparing themselves too.

Sign up to Equal Pay Now by registering online or call our equal pay team on 0800 689 4548.

Hear from the store workers who have joined Equal Pay Now


"It’s ridiculous that we go through all of this and we’re paid less than people working in the warehouses. I spent a week working in one of the warehouses and it seems a really chilled out place so when I found out they were earning so much more I was completely shocked. It’s not much to ask that management acknowledge that we don’t just stand there taking payments, putting things in bags and smiling."

Mrs. P C, Next Employee


"Equal pay will help to restore my confidence and self-respect because finally the company I have worked hard for will now recognise that my role as a sales consultant is as valuable as a warehouse operative."

Mrs. C, Next Employee

You told us why the Equal Pay Now campaign is so important. Click here to watch and read why our clients joined our Equal Pay Now claims.