What a change in employment means for an equal pay claim

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Equal pay claims can take several years, and your working situation can change in that period. Here, Lara Kennedy, a solicitor in the employment team, explains what this means.

It can be a stressful when your employment changes, and with lots to think about, your equal pay claim probably isn’t at the top of your list.

But the good news is, there shouldn’t be much to consider when it comes to your claim, and Leigh Day is here to help make the process as pain free as possible.


What if I leave my job?  

If you have joined the claim before your employment changes, then you are still eligible for compensation.

So, whether you are leaving through personal choice or because of factors outside of your control, such as job cuts or store closures, you are entitled to up to six years back pay from the date your claim starts, and you continue to accrue back pay until your leave date. 


What happens if I’m made redundant?

If you are made redundant, and you are asked to sign any documents relating to your redundancy or your redundancy pay, it is very important that you don’t sign them until you have taken legal advice from Leigh Day.

If you are using a solicitor other than Leigh Day in relation to your redundancy, you must tell them that you are part of an equal pay claim.


What if my job title changes?

If you remain with the same employer, but have either a change in contract, or a new contract, then you should let Leigh Day know. It will not affect your ability to bring a claim, but may affect time limits for bringing a claim.


What if I leave and come back?

If you leave your job and then return after a break, then you would need to submit two claims.


What if I move stores?

If you move to another store, usually it will be under an agreed transfer that maintains your continuous employment, but it’s best to check with your employer that this is the case.

If you are unsure of the impact it will have on your claim, get in touch with us.


Is there anything I have to do if my employment changes?

If we’re already bringing an equal pay claim on your behalf, please keep us updated with any changes to your employment. This is particularly important if you are made redundant.


Can I still join the claim after I’ve left my job?  

Anyone who has left within the last 6 months can still make a claim.

Don’t leave it until the last minute to get in touch. Our legal teams will need time to submit your claim, so the sooner you can get in touch, the better.

For more information, visit our homepage here.

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